Recipe of week

This week, Blandford Comptoir have shared their recipe for truffled goat curd and beetroot ravioli served with walnuts and truffle oil.

Serves 4


For the filling:

100 g goat curd
5 ml truffle oil
10 g truffle paste
3 g salt
1 g pepper

For the pasta dough:

20 g beetroot powder
350 g egg yolk
500 g pasta flour
5 g salt

For the pickled beetroot:

1 red beetroot
200 ml red wine vinegar
100 g sugar

For the caramelized walnuts:

200 g walnuts
200 g sugar
100 ml water


Start by making the pasta dough using a stand mixer or by hand. Place the pasta flour, salt and beetroot powder in the bowl and slowly add the egg yolks. Keep working until well combined and then cover it and place the dough in the fridge for 2 hours. Next, make the ravioli filling by combining the ingredients and placing the mixture in a piping bag once fully combined.

Once the dough has finished chilling you can assemble your ravioli. Work the pasta dough using a pasta machine, making it a flat until it reaches 1.5 thickness. Put the first layer of pasta on a clean surface placing the filling at equal points on the dough. Brush the surface with water and close the filling in with another layer of pasta, making sure to take any air out before sealing. Cut the ravioli using a ring and then place them in the fridge. 

To make the pickled beetroot, wash your beetroot and place it in a pan with cold water and a pinch of salt; bring it to a boil and leave it to simmer until it is soft. Once the beetroot is cooked, leave it to cool and then peel it. Meanwhile, bring the red wine vinegar and sugar to a boil and then put it to the side. Now that the beetroot is cold, make some thin slices using a mandolin and place it in the vinegar and sugar liquid to pickle. Caramelize the walnuts by placing them in boiling water with 200g of sugar for 4 mins. Take them out and place them on a tray in the oven for 30 mins at 140 degrees.
Now to construct the dish. Bring salted water to the boil and cook your ravioli for 3-4 mins. At the same time add some diced beetroot and butter to a separate pan and let the butter melt slowly. Once the ravioli is cooked add it to the pan with the beetroot and butter and deglaze with 2 spoons of pasta water to create an emulsion. Lay the pasta in a bowl and the pickled beetroot and caramelized walnuts on top. Drizzle some truffle oil over the dish and finish with the cress.